Also at the milk house we locate a door knob in which the color of it is part of the clue for the next coordinates.
The Nelson milk house.
The next set of coordinates bring us to a nature preserve area with a little pond. We are able to walk here from the milk house. The sign has information about creatures that live in the area. Nathan uses the sign to find out the maximum speed a dragonfly can go and counts legs displayed on the frog on the sign. We use those numbers to get our next set of coordinates.
The final area is a little spillway that we walk about half a mile to. The cache should have been located in a little concrete tube, but we are unable to find it. A few weeks prior a very heavy rain hit the area and it appears many items washed downstream in the little canal. We believe the cache washed away and someone likely found it out in the open. We had a lot of fun doing this multi-stage hunt even though we couldn't find the cache itself.